Samstag, 22. Juni 2013

Mein Temptest aka Frau Wildmoser ist fertig

Hah! Da isse, meine Frau Wildmoser- und ich bin recht zufrieden. Perfekt isse noch nicht, aber schon sehr ordentlich, finde ich. Besonders gut gefällt mir die Anordnung der schmalen Streifen an Ärmeln und Taille und auch die Farbkombi.

Das untere Bündchen hab ich in 2li, 2re und in den Hinreihen rechts gemacht, dadurch zieht es sich nicht zusammen, was im Nachhinein besser gewesen wäre, so ist es ein bissle labberig.

Die Schulterpartie könnte schmaler sein Auch die Ärmel sind oben am Bizeps einen Tick zu weit und eigentlich hätte die Jacke auch etwas kürzer sein sollen.Sie ist halt beim Waschen etwas in die Länge gegangen.

Nicht zufrieden bin ich allerdings - erstmals - mit der Drops Fabel als Garn. Vor allem das Türkise hat ausgeblutet wie nix Gutes, dabei hab ich sie schon 2x gewaschen. Deshalb sind die eigentlich naturfarben leicht melierten Streifen jetzt leicht hellblau.

Ausserdem find ich das gute Stück ziemlich kratzig - und ich bin eigentlich echt nicht empfindlich, was Sockenwolle auf der Haut angeht.  Allerdings ist die Kratzigkeit nach 2x Waschen schon etwas besser geworden.

Auf den Fotos ist die Jacke allerdings ein bissle knuddelig - ich hatte sie zum Knöpfekaufen dabei (fast 1 Euro für einfachste Plastikknöpfe - ich glaub ich werde Knopffabrikant...!!) und dabei ist sie etwas zerknuddelt.

 Warum das Model "Frau Wildmoser" heisst? 
Mein Gatte
(FC-Bayern-Fan) musste beim Anblick der Farbkombi an die Vereinsfarben von 1860 München denken.

Und deren langjähriger Präsident hiess Wildmoser.

Und da ich ja nu eine Frau bin und das eine Damenjacke, ist das jetzt eben Frau Wildmoser

My Temptest is finished- may I proudly present: Ms. Wildmoser!
Did not really use the Temptest pattern at all, just the stripes as an idea. Well, it is not the perfect sweater yet, but I am quite content. I like the stripes at elbows and waist, I like the colour combination, I like the length. Well, ok, could be a touch shorter, but ok. 

I do not like so much how the neckline flaps to the outside when worn open and how the lower hem looks - I should not have done mistake rib, but ordinary ribbing. It grew a little in washing, which is why it is longer than planned. Also, the armholes/biceps area is a little wide. 

AND for the first time when working with Fabel, I do NOT like the yarn! The teal bleeded like hell and coloured the stripes which are now slightly blue instead of white - and I already washed it twice! And it itches - I am not sensitive to sockyarn normally, but it is really not so comfortable when next to the skin. Well, nevertheless - I will call this a success!

WIP Notes:
May 19th

Ok, slight change of plan - want to knit the “perfect” sweater, following my shaping and Amy Herzogs Knit to Flatter concept.

May 20th
Finished waist shaping, app. 12 cm knit - but the hem rolls up - gnaaa- hope this will block out! And that even though I tried the bigger needle size to hinder that - maybe the ribbing is just too short..
Well, we will see. Started the second white stripe at the waist.

May 23d
Finished 5th white stripe in waist, not sure if I will do a broader stripe wieder up or if I will just leave it with the small stripes and repeat those in the arms.

May 25th
Finished 16 stripes in blue and made new photos - currently, the increases show a little for the bust shaping, although I made them in the second blue row always - well, I hope this will block out.

June 2nd
Finished back, started first front. 16 rows after white stripe cast off 27 stitches for a square neck, then continue knitting 20 rows after casting off.

June 3d
Finished fronts, joined shoulders with three-needle bind off.
Consulted Barbara Walkers Knitting from the top method and the one used in Slinky Ribs (which are not bacically different, but well…) and decided to go for Slinky Ribs whichs means:
Pick up 92 stitches around armhole (with 2.5 mm needle), divided as follows
14 s. (15%) underarm 1
17 s. (18%) marker b1
30 s (34%) upper arm
17 s. marker b2
14 s. marker a2

okay, slight change of plan: Looked to short to me after reaching marker a where slinky ribs tells you to continue in rounds, so I did short rows all the way down the remaining 14 stitches and in addition casted on 7 stitches under the arm.
June 4th
Tried it on again, started small stripes after 40 rows after joining for round, decreasing every 5th row 2 stitches.
Hm. Could have gone with the Slinky Ribs version for the sleeve cap, it seems to be quite wide - well, but better a little loose than too tight at the shoulders…
Will probably do 7 instead of 5 small white stripes for the arms.

June 7th
First sleeve completed - did 50 rows plain after 7th white stripe, added 10 rows k2,p2 with 2.5 mm needles.
Well, looks quite ok when worn, though it could be smaller. I think it will work out.

June 10th
Picked up and knit button bands - 2 stitches per 3 rows - but messed up the outwards turned corner - I should have increased 1 stitch each next to the middle stitch,not decrease whines In addition, it is a tiny but to tight, I would say, so I will unravel and pick up 3 stitches per 4 rows, again with 2.5 mm needles, but use a crocheted bind-off for more stretchiness.

Intend to use shadow wrap method for short rows

27 Maschen - 35 Reihen f. 10 cm
Länge gesamt: 57 cm
Umfang unten: 94 cm
Taille: 80 cm
Brust: 90 cm
Schultern: 80 cm (ohne Armkugel)
Saum zur Taille: 15 cm
Taille zum Armausschnitt: 24 cm

Bündchen: 8 Reihen Lazy Rib (HR rechts, RR 2 re, 2li)
Streifen erst ab der Taille
Am Ärmel nur schmale Streifen all around the elbow

Um Umklappen des Bündchens zu Verhindern:
Bündchen mit 3 mm Nadeln, eine Reihe mit 4 mm, dann mit 3.5 weiterarbeiten.

Bought this yarn without a project in mind- should not do that….
Decided that a Top down stripey sweater will be an interesting use for this.

I will probably have to buy more yarn or combine with other yarn I have in stash… Will borrow just the stripe pattern with narrower stripes in the waist from Temptest…

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