Habt Ihrs gemerkt: Es wird langsam FRÜHLING! Heute morgen um 6 beim Joggen (ok, 6:15 ist es schon, bis ich zur Tür raus bin..) war es schon nicht mehr ganz hell und die Vögelein haben gesungen - hah!
Gestrickt letztes Jahr nach dieser Drops-Anleitung um diese Zeit aus der Drops Safran
And I saw from the nice statistics page that there are some readers from non-German speaking countries, so I will have an English translation for my posts when I feel like it ;-)
The shawl I am wearing in the photo above was made last year, using a Drops pattern and using Drops Safran.
You know what: It starts to be spring here in Germany! When doing my early morning run today, it was nearly daylight and the birds were singing. And I even spotted the first crocus today!
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