Sonntag, 8. Februar 2015

Schweeere Geburt: Backsteinfarbener Guernseymuster-Cowl

Jeij, das war eine schwere Geburt! Meine übrigen Lima-Reste von der letzjährigen Weihnachtsjacke habe ich dreimal geribbelt, bis ich mich entschieden habe, in der Art des Guernsey Wraps einfach verschiedene Guernseymuster aneinander zu reihen.

Und auch hier gab's - weil noch was übrig war - eine Mütze dazu, nach einer Drops-Anleitung. Die Drops Lima ist echt superschön und die rote pillt auch nicht - weder die Jacke noch der Cowl.

Dec. 30th
Finally finished! I used 3 balls of yarn to get a loop of app. 112 cm length - was afraid it would not fit around my neck twice, but as yarn is stretchy… ;-)
You would not believe how many mistakes you can make in a simple knit-purl pattern gnaaa - still love the result! Used the leftover yarn from this cardigan - a great yarn, highly recommended! And the red yarn does not pill so far. Made a matching hat using the last scraps of the red Lima (13g).

Dec 26th
Frogged again - my Meerwurst Loop was so much fun, I needed to do a Guernsey Style loop at once. Will use patterns from this book and a stitch dictionary as an inspiration.

Dec. 20th:
Slight change of plan, decided that I will need something reversible and frogged what I had so far - just 12 cm or so. Will do the Yellow Brick Road instead

Nov. 29th
Want to re-use the frogged lima from my Harvest. I would prefer a longer 2-times-around cowl, but I am not sure how long the yarn will take me. So I opted for knitting this sideways and maybe close it with buttons like the yellow brick road - we will see. Was not sure about the pattern, as it is not reversible, but the wrong side looks ok as well. My first go with twisted stitches - like it so far!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hallo Comic, Danke für Deinen Kommentar. Ich bin tatsächlich ein großer Fan von Kate Davies. Gerade stricke ich eine Guernsey-Jacke aus handgesponnener Wolle. Im Augenblick ist's bei mir very great Britisch ;-)))
    Liebe Grüße


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