Samstag, 6. September 2014

Cardigansommer: Atelier aus Sockengarn - again

Diese Jacke - auch eine Anleitung von Heidi Kirrmair, das ist die vom Vitamin D - habe ich in den Projekten einer Ravelry-Freundin gesehen und beschlossen, dass ich diese ungewöhnliche Konstruktion einmal dav ausprobieren muss.

Man startet wie bei einem RvO, allerdings ohne Maschen fürs Vorderteil. Wenn die Schulterpasse fertig ist, werden rundherum Maschen aufgefasst und heruntergestrickt. Wer mag - ich mochte- kann dann noch Taschen einbauen.

Mir gefällt sie richtig gut, auch wenn sie einen kleinen Tick weiter sein könnte- auch hier könnte es sein, dass ich davon noch mehr stricke...

Done, worn today - did not grow as much as I feared, quite ok. Nevertheless, if I made it again, I would probably make it a little wider and maybe a tad longer and/or without the pocket. Does not look good when closed with a magnet button in this size, but nevertheless a very nice pattern with an interesting construction. Will probably make more of those!
Aug 10th
Finished pocket lining and knitting, sewn in ends and washed - seems to have grown a lot - which would be ok as it was a little on the small side. Pockets went quite ok.

Aug. 7th
Finished bottom icord BO - just the pocket linings. Fits quite well, length is ok - would not mind if it grew app 1-2 cm in length in the washing. Intend to make the pocket lining with the grey yarn only, no stripes -would be too much, I think.

Jul 30th
Started waistband 14 cm after underarm (instead of 17 cm). Intend to shorten to app. 58 cm, i.e. I will start pockets after 22 cm from underarm. Have 116 instead of 100 stitches for back stitches before waistband.

Jul 29th
Ran out of self striping yarn app. 8 cm after underarm, will continue with light grey cotton yarn.

Jul 26th
Finished 2nd sleeve, picked up stitches for fronts and continued body

Jul. 22nd
Separated sleeves from body, CO 18 stitches instead of 12 for underarm as I like wider armpits. Decreased to 70 stitches every 9 rows. Knitted 30 cm for arms before starting the garter cuffs.

Will use my leftover cotton sockyarn and a skein in matching colours which I bought during my holiday. Want the Icord version with pockets, but not as long as in pattern.
Gauge: 24x36 for 10 cm.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Das Jäckchen ist schön geworden. Die Atelier habe ich mir auch schon angesehen, vielleicht stricke ich sie auch mal.


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